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Best Huawei Smartphones 2023



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Best Huawei Smartphones 2023

Best Huawei Smartphones 2023: At one stage, Huawei was in hot pursuit of Apple in the smartphone sales hierarchy, offering top-notch smartphones across various price brackets. This success led the Chinese company to introduce the Honor brand, aiming to cover the entire market spectrum, including the budget-friendly segment, with products that provided exceptional value for money.


However, in 2019, the US government under President Trump imposed sanctions on Huawei. These sanctions mandated Huawei to cease all collaborations with American companies, both in software and hardware domains. In response, Huawei swiftly unveiled HarmonyOS, an in-house operating system built on a microkernel foundation. HarmonyOS has since progressed to version 3.0, highlighting Huawei’s ongoing dedication to enhancing its exclusive software platform.

Initially, this transition to a new operating system led to some hesitation among loyal users, causing concerns that the brand might fade from the mobile market. However, Huawei’s persistent efforts and dedication to its new operating system have paid dividends over time. Today, users have access to exceptional devices finely tuned to meet their diverse needs.

During the third quarter of 2022, amid a period of declining sales, Huawei stood out as the only company, alongside Apple, to register growth. Although it’s the beginning of 2023, there is a strong belief that Huawei’s unstoppable momentum will persist throughout this year. This is largely due to the vast array of possibilities offered by AppGallery and Huawei’s HMS (Huawei Mobile Services).

These platforms now provide users with an extensive range of functionalities, bridging the gap compared to other Android devices equipped with Google Play Services, without causing significant inconvenience to the users.

How to choose the best Huawei smartphone

There exist numerous factors influencing the selection of a smartphone, and these factors tend to differ from one individual to another. The decision-making process can be as simple as considering the available budget, particularly since having a limited budget might restrict one from aiming for state-of-the-art specifications. Alternatively, the choice can also hinge on the intended purpose or usage requirements of the device.

Choice based on price

By utilizing our practical reference index, one can effectively select a smartphone that aligns with their financial resources. Undoubtedly, when considering the significance of the investment, financial constraints often dominate the decision-making process. However, with the possibility of expanding your budget, you can begin exploring products that slightly surpass your initial choice without significantly higher costs. Monitoring prices across major e-commerce platforms frequently allows for the opportunity to acquire a higher-tier product at a price closely akin to the lower-tier range.

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This is often made achievable due to the abundance of offers and discounts these online portals regularly feature. Similarly, entry-level products tend to frequently present even more enticing offers, providing the chance to obtain them at exceptionally advantageous prices through discounts.

Megapixels aren’t everything

It’s crucial to carefully assess a smartphone’s camera setup based on your specific requirements. Merely having a high megapixel count or multiple sensors on a smartphone doesn’t automatically translate to better photo quality.

Presently, various factors influence the photographic outcome with smartphones beyond sensor quality, including post-shooting software processing. Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, this software processing has reached unprecedented levels, notably enhancing the photo quality on top-tier models from different manufacturers.

Similar to skilled photographers, modern smartphones possess the capability to reprocess images and implement alterations. For instance, some smartphones can analyze our captured images against extensive online databases, autonomously adjusting color tones in what we photograph. Nevertheless, the quality of the installed lenses remains a crucial factor when evaluating a phone’s photographic capabilities.

It’s important not to solely rely on megapixels as a determining factor. Often, a device equipped with less resolution in its cameras can produce superior photos compared to another device featuring sensors with higher pixel counts but of lower quality or with subpar lenses. Therefore, it’s advisable to compare the photo quality captured by the devices of interest whenever possible to make a more informed decision.

Display Comparison

The smartphone display holds significant importance in today’s tech landscape. With a vast array of displays available in the market, their differences may not always be apparent at first glance, but their distinct characteristics can make a notable impact in various scenarios.

Lower-priced devices commonly feature IPS-type displays, but their advantages might not be readily discernible, often exhibiting reduced brightness levels when used in direct sunlight. Conversely, higher-end models typically boast AMOLED displays with 2K or QHD resolutions, offering superior color reproduction, especially in rendering blacks, and enhanced graphic detail owing to their high resolutions.

These top-tier displays are designed with elevated backlight levels, ensuring optimal visibility outdoors. Regardless of the panel type, modern displays now frequently incorporate higher refresh rates, typically ranging from 90Hz to 120Hz, enabling smoother image transitions during animations. Variable refresh rate displays also contribute to significant battery conservation throughout the day. As for the choice between a curved display or one with a specific aspect ratio, it ultimately depends solely on individual preferences and needs.

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Processor, GPU, and RAM: Which Ones Should You Choose?

The performance of a smartphone hinges predominantly on its processor, commonly referred to as the SoC (System on Chip). Even on budget-friendly models, processors enable smooth management of primary multimedia functions. These devices swiftly handle tasks such as accessing social networks and major messaging apps within seconds.

Currently, the Android market’s leading chip manufacturers are Qualcomm and MediaTek, both offering a diverse range of chips tailored for various performance tiers. For users seeking top-notch performance, especially for gaming or executing demanding tasks, focusing on flagship chips like Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 series or MediaTek’s Dimensity 9000 series, equipped with superior Adreno and Mali GPUs respectively, becomes imperative.

Optimal performance also relies on pairing the right amount of RAM with these high-performance chips to avoid potential slowdowns. While 4GB of RAM suffices for basic phone usage, having at least 6-8GB onboard ensures seamless operation during more complex tasks. This substantial RAM capacity allows users to keep multiple applications open in the background without concern and ensures smooth running of the latest games available on the device’s platform.

Having ample RAM facilitates quick access to data by the processor, eliminating the need to repeatedly copy data from the phone’s internal memory (ROM). Various types of RAM, such as LPDDR4 or the latest LPDDR5X, differ primarily in their read and write speeds. Manufacturers typically determine the ideal RAM combination based on the overall device characteristics to optimize performance.

Supported Networks

Assuming that all smartphones can access the internet and make calls, let’s delve into the primary differences in connectivity options and how to choose a device based on these factors.

Presently, smartphones in the market offer connectivity support for both 4G/LTE and 5G networks, with the main disparity lying in the speed of internet connections. A device equipped with 5G capability allows for faster data downloads where the local network infrastructure permits. While the 5G network in Italy is progressively expanding, optimal support is currently available in specific areas of major cities across the country.

Users can check their service provider’s website to ascertain both the tariffs and network coverage specific to their residential area. Beyond the data band, considering Wi-Fi support is crucial, which can be labeled as “5”, “6”, “6E”, etc. These different Wi-Fi types operate across various frequencies, enabling distinct data transfer speeds. Many smartphone models also accommodate dual-band AC wireless networks functioning on the 5GHz frequency. Additionally, some devices feature the more advanced Wi-Fi 6E technology, enhancing connection speed and reducing latency.

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It’s essential to evaluate connectivity needs based on individual preferences and usage scenarios. A faster Wi-Fi connection might not always translate to quicker speeds if the network’s bandwidth is limited compared to your signal range. For basic tasks like messaging and web browsing, standard connection speeds offered by basic models are typically sufficient. However, individuals requiring frequent uploading and downloading of large data may find significant utility in opting for devices with support for 5G or advanced Wi-Fi networks.

Operating systems in comparison

Android and Huawei’s Harmony OS exhibit notable similarities, although Huawei asserts its divergence from American software. For individuals concerned about switching, it’s essential to understand that for the average user, the disparities between the two systems might not be highly perceptible. Whether you’re well-versed in Android or a newcomer, transitioning to Huawei’s operating system won’t necessitate a complete relearning process.

The primary contrasts lie at a technical level, where Android operates on a monolithic kernel, whereas HarmonyOS (known as EMUI in Europe) employs a microkernel system. In simplified terms, the kernel functions as the core of an operating system, responsible for managing the device’s hardware peripherals and memory by optimizing their interactions. Huawei’s microkernel system offers enhanced security by separately managing memory areas in which applications operate, ensuring they never directly engage with the kernel.

Huawei’s AppGallery store features a wide array of apps available on Android, ensuring users have access to essential applications. Overall, Huawei has developed commendable proprietary solutions that serve as excellent alternatives to Google’s traditional services.

Super Device and the Huawei ecosystem

If you own or are contemplating purchasing other Huawei devices, such as a notebook, you’ll be pleased to discover the integration of Super Device—an innovative solution designed to enhance connectivity and interaction among Huawei gadgets, drawing inspiration from advanced ecosystems like Apple’s. This integration effectively minimizes the gaps between devices, facilitating immediate interactions across a wide range of functionalities.

This integrated system proves particularly advantageous for individuals engaged in smart office tasks, as it enables seamless data transmission from their smartphone to their notebook. Additionally, leveraging an integrated ecosystem enhances device reliability and mitigates potential technical compatibility issues that might arise over time. In essence, Huawei’s commitment to quality and optimization offers an excellent alternative to pricier brands, ensuring a cohesive and efficient user experience across their range of devices.

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How to Clear the RAM on iPhone in seconds





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How to Clear the RAM on iPhone in seconds

A Quick Guide on How to Clear RAM on iPhone in Seconds :


For iPhone users, ensuring optimal performance is paramount to a seamless user experience. One effective way to achieve this is by freeing up space in the Random Access Memory (RAM), where the device temporarily stores data needed for running applications.

When the RAM is cluttered, your iPhone may experience sluggishness, longer loading times, and even unexpected app closures. In this guide, we’ll explore the simple yet powerful method of clearing RAM on your iPhone to enhance its performance in just a few seconds.

Understanding the Importance of Clearing RAM:

Random Access Memory (RAM) is a crucial component that allows your iPhone to quickly access and process data required by active applications. As you use various apps throughout the day, RAM gradually fills up. When it reaches capacity, your device may start to slow down as it struggles to access the necessary data.

Clearing RAM is akin to providing a breath of fresh air to your iPhone, ensuring it can efficiently handle new tasks, resulting in improved speed and responsiveness.

Quick Reset for Different iPhone Models:

The easiest and most effective way to clear RAM on an iPhone involves performing a quick reset. The method varies slightly depending on the type of iPhone model you own. Follow these steps:

For iPhone Models with Face ID (iPhone X and newer):

  • Press and hold the volume down button and the side button simultaneously.
  • When the power off slider appears, drag it to the right to turn off your iPhone.
  • Wait approximately 30 seconds and then turn the device back on.
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For iPhone Models with Touch ID:

  • Press and hold the side button until the slider appears.
  • If you own the first-generation iPhone SE, press the top button instead.
  • Slide to power off and wait for around 30 seconds before turning the device back on.
  • By performing this quick reset, you allow your iPhone to clear out unnecessary data from the RAM, giving it a performance boost.

Additional Tips to Free Up RAM:

While the quick reset is a powerful method, there are other proactive steps you can take to optimize your iPhone’s performance and free up RAM:

Close Unused Applications:

Manually close apps that you’re not actively using, as open apps consume RAM resources.

Manage Notifications:

Turn off notifications for apps that aren’t essential. Unnecessary notifications can contribute to RAM usage.

Stay Updated:

Ensure your iPhone is running the latest version of iOS. Updates often include performance enhancements.

Monitor Storage Space:

Keep an eye on your device’s storage capacity. If it’s near capacity, consider deleting unnecessary files or apps.

Battery and Storage Check:

If your iPhone continues to exhibit slow performance, it may be time to check the battery health or free up additional storage space. Contact Apple support for further assistance.


In just a matter of seconds, you can breathe new life into your iPhone by clearing its RAM. The quick reset method, coupled with proactive measures like closing unused apps and managing notifications, ensures that your device runs smoothly and efficiently.

By understanding the importance of RAM and regularly optimizing its usage, you can enjoy a responsive and high-performing iPhone. Incorporate these simple steps into your routine, and experience the difference in speed and responsiveness on your beloved device.

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How to Share Wifi Password iPhone




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How to Share Wifi Password iPhone

How to Share Wifi Password iPhone? Sharing WiFi Password on iPhone


The convenience of automatically connecting to WiFi at home adds a touch of comfort to our daily lives. Sharing this access with friends and guests is a hospitable gesture, making you the ultimate host.

However, it becomes a challenge when you want to connect someone to your WiFi, and either you don’t know the password or it’s too complex to remember. Fear not – sharing WiFi on iPhone to iPhone is a breeze, and we’ll guide you through the process.

Requirements for WiFi Sharing:

Before delving into the steps, let’s go through the essential requirements to seamlessly share WiFi between iPhones:

Both iPhones Need iOS 16 or iOS 17:

Ensure that both your iPhone and your friend’s iPhone are running the latest version of iOS, either iOS 16 or iOS 17. Staying up-to-date is key to accessing the latest features.

Unlocked and Connected iPhone:

Your iPhone must be unlocked and connected to the WiFi network you intend to share. This ensures a smooth sharing process.

Friend’s Contact Information:

Your friend should be listed as a contact in your address book, and their contact information must include the email associated with their Apple ID. This is crucial for the sharing mechanism to work seamlessly.

WiFi Sharing Steps:

Assuming all the prerequisites are met, follow these straightforward steps to share your WiFi password:

Unlock Your iPhone:

Make sure your iPhone is unlocked and connected to the WiFi network you wish to share.

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Ask Your Friend to Connect:

Request your friend to go to Settings on their iPhone, navigate to the WiFi section, and select the desired network. At this point, their iPhone should prompt them for the WiFi password.

Share Password:

On your iPhone, a prompt will appear to share the WiFi password with your friend. Click on the ‘Share Password’ button. This initiates the sharing process via AirDrop, and your friend’s iPhone will automatically receive the password.

Connection Confirmation:

Once the password is shared, your friend’s iPhone will display a message confirming the connection. Your friend is now successfully connected to the same WiFi network without needing to know the password.

By following these steps, you’ve not only made the connection process seamless but also maintained the confidentiality of your WiFi password.

Alternative Method: Using a QR Code

In case your friend doesn’t use an iPhone or has an older iOS version, an alternative method involves creating a QR code to share your WiFi password. Here’s how:

Prepare a QR Code:

Visit the QiFi website from your iPhone, enter your WiFi network name and password, and click on the ‘Generate’ button. This generates a QR code representing your WiFi credentials.

Display QR Code to Friend:

When your friend needs to connect, show them the QR code on your iPhone. Regardless of their phone type, they can use their camera to scan the QR code. This automatically recognizes the WiFi credentials and connects them without manual password input.


Sharing your WiFi password on iPhone has never been simpler. By keeping both iPhones updated, ensuring the proper settings, and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effortlessly extend your hospitality to friends and guests.

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Whether using the direct sharing method or the QR code alternative, the process is user-friendly and secures your WiFi network. Embrace the ease of sharing and enjoy a connected and hospitable environment for everyone.

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How to Improve iPhone Battery Life with iOS 17




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How to Improve iPhone Battery Life with iOS 17

How to Improve iPhone Battery Life :


One of the common grievances among iPhone users revolves around the device’s battery life. Many users find that their iPhones don’t hold a charge as well as other high-end smartphones. While the capacity of the phone’s components may contribute to this issue, there are adjustments and tricks within the iPhone settings that can help extend battery life.

In this detailed guide, we will explore various strategies for improving iPhone battery life, specifically focusing on iOS 17.

Optimizing Screen Features:

One of the prominent features impacting battery life is the always-on screen, particularly on newer devices. To address this, users can disable the always-on screen feature by navigating to Settings, selecting ‘Display and Brightness,’ and deactivating it.

This adjustment can significantly reduce battery drainage, especially for those who don’t find this feature essential.

Managing Screen Brightness:

Another factor affecting battery life is screen brightness. Excessive brightness can lead to faster battery depletion. To address this, ensure that the iPhone’s automatic screen brightness adjustment feature is activated. Users can access this setting by going to ‘Settings,’ selecting ‘Display and Brightness,’ and enabling the ‘Auto-Brightness’ option.

By allowing the phone to adjust brightness based on ambient lighting conditions, users can extend battery life considerably.

Addressing Haptic Feedback:

The haptic feedback of the keyboard, also known as the haptic keyboard, can contribute to unnecessary energy consumption. To conserve energy, users can disable this feature by accessing the iPhone settings. Navigate to ‘Settings,’ choose ‘Sounds and Vibrations,’ then proceed to ‘Keyboard Feedback.’ Here, users can disable the ‘Vibration’ option, minimizing the battery impact of haptic feedback.

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Background App Refresh:

One significant feature that can drain battery life is Background App Refresh. While this feature ensures that apps are updated in the background, it can be a resource-intensive process. Users can manage Background App Refresh by going to ‘Settings,’ selecting ‘General,’ and choosing ‘Background App Refresh.’ Here, users can either disable the feature entirely or customize it for specific apps, optimizing battery performance.

App Notifications:

Constant app notifications can contribute to battery drain. Users can conserve battery life by managing app notifications. Navigate to ‘Settings,’ select ‘Notifications,’ and review and adjust notification settings for each app. Disabling unnecessary notifications can help minimize background activities and preserve battery power.

Location Services:

Location services, while useful, can significantly impact battery life. Users can manage location services by going to ‘Settings,’ selecting ‘Privacy,’ and choosing ‘Location Services.’ Here, users can either disable location services entirely or customize settings for individual apps. Turning off location services for non-essential apps can lead to substantial energy savings.

Updates and Background Activities:

Ensuring that the iPhone is running the latest iOS version is crucial for optimal battery performance. Apple frequently releases updates that include bug fixes and optimizations. Additionally, keeping apps updated can address potential performance issues that may impact battery life. Users can check for updates in ‘Settings’ under the ‘General’ section.

Manage Widgets:

Widgets on the iPhone’s home screen can provide quick access to information but may consume unnecessary power if not managed efficiently. Users can customize and remove widgets by entering ‘Edit Home Screen’ mode. Removing widgets that are not frequently used can contribute to improved battery efficiency.

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Limit Background Processes:

iOS 17 provides users with the ability to limit the number of background processes running on the device. To manage this, go to ‘Settings,’ select ‘General,’ and choose ‘Background App Management.’ Here, users can set limitations on background processes, ensuring that only essential activities are running when the device is not in use.

Optimize Mail Settings:

Fetching emails frequently can contribute to battery drain. Users can optimize mail settings by going to ‘Settings,’ selecting ‘Mail,’ and choosing ‘Accounts.’ Here, users can adjust the frequency of mail fetching or switch to manual fetching for non-essential accounts, conserving battery power.


Improving iPhone battery life with iOS 17 involves a combination of adjusting settings, managing features, and adopting efficient practices. By following the detailed tips outlined in this guide, users can optimize their iPhone’s battery performance and enjoy extended usage between charges.

Whether it’s fine-tuning screen settings, managing app activities, or staying up-to-date with software updates, these strategies empower users to make the most out of their iPhone’s battery life. Incorporate these practices into your routine, and experience a more efficient and long-lasting iPhone battery performance with iOS 17.

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