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Interesting Facts about Egypt



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Interesting Facts about Egypt

Exploring Interesting facts about Egypt : Egypt, one of the oldest countries in the world, invites travelers on a captivating journey through its rich history and modern realities.


While delving into the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids and the lives of the ruling pharaohs might take years, a collection of interesting facts about Egypt in 2024 can provide a snapshot of this remarkable country, allowing one to impress friends with newfound knowledge.

Below is the list of some Interesting facts about Egypt:

Pyramids Galore:

The Egyptian pyramids are undoubtedly the most popular attractions in Egypt, with the Pyramids of Giza being the poster child. However, contrary to common belief, there are a total of 118 pyramids in the country, and some estimates even suggest 138. These structures are scattered throughout Ancient Egypt, each holding its own historical significance.

The Oldest Stone Building:

The Pyramid of Djoser stands out as the oldest stone building visible today. With its unique six-step shape, it marked the beginning of constructing traditional tombs for pharaohs. Unlike later tombs, Djoser’s pyramid was not only for the king but also for his loved ones, featuring 11 burial chambers. The innovative use of limestone blocks contributed to its extraordinary durability over the centuries.

The Enigma of Cheops:

The largest Egyptian pyramid, that of Cheops, is a wonder of the ancient world. Its construction involved a large portion of the country’s population, causing widespread discontent. Interestingly, none of the expected treasures or the pharaoh’s mummy were found in the three burial chambers. The internal structure, with shafts, tunnels, and corridors, continues to baffle researchers. Remarkably, the temperature inside the pyramid remains a constant 20˚C, regardless of external heat.

Treasures in Cairo:

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a treasure trove of ancient Egyptian artifacts, housing mummies, sarcophagi, funeral masks, and household items. Contrary to popular belief, historical artifacts are not located inside the pyramids but can be admired in this expansive museum.

Abu Simbel’s Timeless Beauty:

The Abu Simbel temples, carved into rock during Pharaoh Ramesses II’s reign, hold intriguing facts. The large temple commemorates the king’s military achievements, while the smaller one is dedicated to his beloved wife, Nefertari. Twice a year, on significant dates, sunlight illuminates the pharaoh’s statue, a phenomenon that continues to defy explanation.

Hatshepsut’s Legacy:

The Temple of Hatshepsut stands as a testament to the pharaoh’s legacy. Queen Hatshepsut, the first woman to ascend the throne, ruled Egypt successfully for 27 years. The temple’s impressive architecture, adorned with columns, statues, and paintings, narrates stories from her life, tales of ancient gods, and significant religious events.

Mysteries of the Sphinx:

The Great Sphinx, shrouded in mystery for thousands of years, raises numerous questions about its creation, significance, and the architect behind it. The exact date of its construction, the reason for the missing nose and ceremonial beard, and the identity of its sculptor remain elusive.

Pyramids and Gods:

The pyramids of Egypt are deeply intertwined with the worship of gods, particularly Ra, the god of the Sun. It was believed that the edges of the pyramids could transmit rays to reach the sun, endowing pharaohs with power and strength. Ancient Egyptians worshipped around 5,000 gods, with altars and statues dedicated to their reverence.

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Feline Adoration:

Interesting facts of Egypt culture include the worship of cats as sacred animals. Cats were revered, immortalized in various forms, and even mummified. Such was the respect for cats that the death of a palace cat led to the pharaoh shaving off his eyebrows and declaring a 70-day mourning period.

Modern Marvels:

Modern Egypt showcases a love for skyscrapers, exemplified by the cylindrical tower built in 1956 in Cairo. Standing 43 meters taller than the Cheops pyramid, it serves as a hub for broadcasting television and radio while offering breathtaking panoramic views of the city.

Ras Mohammed National Park

Venturing beyond the bustling markets, Egypt unfolds another intriguing chapter at Ras Mohammed, a local national park situated on the Sinai Peninsula. This natural haven reveals interesting facts about Egypt, drawing inspiration from its stunning underwater world.

Once acclaimed explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau was captivated by the park’s beauty and the diversity of marine life. The park features an extraordinary mangrove grove, known for its unique ability to transform saltwater into freshwater. At the park’s entrance, a historical monument stands tall, seemingly inscribed with the word “Allah” using colossal stone blocks.

13. The Nile River:

The Nile River, the longest in Egypt and Africa, holds fascinating historical facts. It served as a crucial transport route for building materials used in constructing the Egyptian pyramids. Stone blocks were transported along a now-dry river branch, humorously named “the tributary of Cheops.”

14. Ancient Egypt:

Ancient Egypt is the cradle of medical development. Archaeological findings reveal advanced medical practices, including surgeries and treatments for various diseases. Egyptians excelled in gynecology, surgery, and ophthalmology, establishing hygiene rules, such as daily washing. To prevent lice, people cut their hair, while the elite wore natural-material wigs. Notably, Ancient Egypt pioneered antibiotic use by employing moldy food products to treat infections.

15. Pyramids of Egypt:

Continuous archaeological research unveils new insights into the pyramids of Egypt. Recent findings on the Giza plateau suggest a burial site for those involved in pyramid construction, challenging the notion of slaves’ involvement. Pharaohs’ tombs, surprisingly, were often located outside the pyramids, in the nearby Valley of the Kings, listed by UNESCO. So far, 63 tombs have been discovered there.

16. Memphis:

Memphis, Egypt’s first capital founded over 3000 years ago, now lies in ruins, with limited surviving historical remnants. A small museum displays artifacts like the majestic statue of Ramesses II, sarcophagi, a small Sphinx, a mummification pedestal, and remains of a temple to the god Ptah. Although only about 5 percent of the city has been explored, ongoing research continues to uncover its ancient secrets.

17. Colored Canyon:

One of Egypt’s favorite natural spots is the Colored Canyon in the Sinai Mountains. A past earthquake broke part of the rock, and water and wind shaped it into a fascinating, 5-kilometer-long maze. The canyon walls, reaching tens of meters high, narrow from 10 meters to just one in some places.

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The rocky surface, rich in various substances, sparkles with different colors in the sunlight. To enhance the experience, clever guides sometimes pour water on the sandstone, intensifying and brightening its colors with humidity.

18. Unique Shopping Experience in Egypt

When exploring life in the eastern state, you may notice that some shops and pharmacies don’t have price tags. Sellers can independently set the product price for each buyer, and buyers can suggest their own payment amount. It adds a personalized touch to the shopping experience.

19. Unfinished Roofs:

As you travel through Egypt, you might observe buildings, even seemingly wealthy ones, with unfinished roofs. This is a strategic move by residents to avoid property taxes. Unfinished buildings are exempt from these taxes, leaving reinforcement sticks and scattered bricks as a common sight.

20. Inherited Profession:

In Egypt, the profession of garbage collector is often passed down through generations. Even young children may join the family business. There’s a designated area on the outskirts of Cairo, housing around 40,000 people, dedicated to waste sorting and recycling. These workers, known as the Zabbaleen, play a crucial role in keeping the city clean.

21. Red Sea Delights:

The Red Sea, caressing Egypt’s shores, is teeming with over 1,200 fish species and vibrant corals, making it a diver’s paradise. Many tourists enjoy diving in its crystal-clear waters, while others opt for snorkeling right by their hotels. The Red Sea is renowned as the most beautiful in the world.

22. Language Surprise:

Contrary to popular belief, Egyptians don’t speak “Egyptian.” The most widely used and official language in Egypt is Arabic. While the ancient Egyptian language existed in the past, it’s now considered a dead language.

23. Egypt’s Vast Deserts:

A staggering 96% of Egypt’s territory is desert, including the massive Sahara and Libyan deserts. Despite the harsh conditions, people persist in living there, showcasing resilience in the face of adversity.

24. Ancient City of Heracleion:

In modern Egypt, there’s an ancient city named Heracleion that remained underwater for over 12 centuries and was only discovered in the 21st century.

25. Cleopatra:

Cleopatra, the famous queen of Egypt, was the last ruler of the country. Contrary to popular belief, she was of Greek nationality, hailing from ancient Macedonia.

26. Egypt’s Dual Continent Location

While Egypt is primarily in Africa, it also spans into Asia. The Sinai Peninsula, part of Egypt, is considered to be in Asia.

27. Marriage Tradition in Egypt:

In Egypt, for a man to marry, he must pay a bride price to the bride’s parents. For many, earning this amount can take 10-15 years.

28. Birthplace of Belly Dancing:

Egypt is the birthplace of belly dancing. Initially, it was a religious dance performed exclusively at ceremonies honoring the goddess Isis. Over time, it gained popularity worldwide, losing its religious significance.

29. Kokshari:

The most important national dish in Egypt is kokshari, a blend of rice, lentils, and pasta.

30. Ancient Egyptian Cosmetics:

In ancient Egypt, both men and women used cosmetics. Oils served as sun protection, and Egyptians believed that using cosmetics pleased the gods. Red lead-based eyeliner was particularly popular.

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31. Suez Canal: Connecting Two Seas

The Suez Canal links the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Its construction allowed flora and fauna from these seas, separated for millions of years, to mix. About 10% of the world’s cargo passes through the Suez Canal.

32. Egyptian Innovation: Spoked Wheels and Agile Chariots

Egyptians were pioneers in inventing spoked wheels. Their chariots were light and nimble, unlike the slower four-wheeled carts used by their main opponents, the Hittites.

33. Football Fever in Egypt

The favorite game of Egyptians is football. The Egyptian football team has won the African Cup of Nations seven times, achieving a remarkable three consecutive victories.

34. Egypt’s National Symbol:

The steppe eagle serves as Egypt’s national symbol, prominently featured on the state emblem and depicted on the western wall of the Cairo citadel. This historic citadel was constructed by Sultan Salah ad-Din in the late 12th century.

35. The Unfulfilled Plan for the Statue of Liberty in Egypt

Originally intended for Egypt’s Port Said to commemorate the Suez Canal’s opening, the American Statue of Liberty, named “The Light of Asia,” faced rejection by Egypt’s ruler, Ismail Pasha, due to the high transportation cost. As a result, the statue found its home in the United States.

36. Ancient Egyptian Origin of Wedding Ring Tradition

The tradition of exchanging wedding rings traces back to Ancient Egypt. People believed that the left ring finger, where the jewelry was worn, had a “vein of love” leading straight to the heart. This belief spread to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, eventually becoming a widespread tradition.

37. The Giant Statues of Memnon in Thebes:

The Colossi of Memnon are massive stone sculptures found in Thebes, the ancient capital of Egypt. According to old stories, people believed they represented the hero Memen and the Ethiopian king from the Trojan War. However, these statues were actually made to guard the entrance of Pharaoh Amenhotep III’s palace around the 18th century BC.

38۔ Al-Azhar Park and Its Hidden Treasures:

Al-Azhar Park is well-known because it was built on what used to be a dump. While improving the area, they discovered ancient structures, adding an extra layer of history to the park.

39۔ Exploring the Unique White Desert:

The White Desert, situated 500 km southwest of Cairo, is a national park with extraordinary features. Its peculiar formations, made of chalk rocks, resemble bizarre shapes and are the remnants of ancient mollusks.

40۔ The Fascination of Egypt’s Pyramids:

Egypt’s pyramids hold mysteries that continue to captivate both scientific researchers and curious travelers. When visiting this eastern country, people are eager to connect with the past, uncover the secrets, and learn about its history. It’s delightful that modern Egypt not only preserves age-old traditions but also surprises its visitors with a blend of ancient charm and a vibrant spirit for ongoing development.  Share Your thoughts and views in the comments below regarding Interesting facts about Egypt.

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What to do in Genoa – Travel To Genoa




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What to do in Genoa – Travel To Genoa

What to do in Genoa :


Genoa, often overshadowed by its more popular Italian counterparts, holds a wealth of treasures waiting to be discovered. While it may not immediately come to mind when planning an Italian adventure, this maritime city boasts a rich history as the former capital of a powerful republic and the birthplace of renowned figures like Christopher Columbus and Niccolo Paganini.

Despite its lesser-known status, it offers a unique charm and a plethora of attractions that appeal to curious travelers. So, what makes this city special, and what should you do when you visit?

Getting to Genoa

Reaching Genoa is easier than you might think. During the summer months, S7 Airlines offers direct flights, while various European carriers operate year-round flights. Alternatively, you can fly to Milan and take a short train ride to Genoa, which is only about an hour and a half away. Train travel is also an option, with direct routes available from cities like Moscow. Whether you choose to fly or take the train, Genoa is well-connected and easily accessible.

Where to Stay in Genoa

Choosing accommodation in Genoa requires some consideration, especially due to the city’s intricate layout. The historical center may seem compact, but its labyrinthine streets can be confusing to navigate, particularly with luggage. Opting for hotels near major transportation hubs like Principe and Bignoli train stations or metro stations is advisable.

For first-time visitors staying briefly, accommodations near Genova Piazza Principe offer convenience and easy access to transportation links, including the airport bus stop and cruise terminal. From luxurious hotels like the Grand Hotel Savoia to budget-friendly options such as Hotel Chopin, there’s something to suit every preference and budget.

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Getting Around Genoa

Exploring Italy on foot is the best way to immerse yourself in its unique atmosphere. While the city’s narrow medieval streets may pose navigational challenges, they offer an authentic glimpse into its history and character. However, public transportation is essential for covering longer distances or navigating the city’s verticality.

Genoa boasts a metro system, buses, funiculars, and elevators integrated into the transportation network. Consider purchasing a 24-hour Genova Pass for unlimited access to public transport, excluding airport shuttles.

What to See in Genoa

Contrary to popular belief, Genoa is brimming with attractions awaiting discovery. From opulent palaces and picturesque gardens to ancient churches and world-class museums, the city offers something for every traveler. Key highlights include Ferrari Square, a grandiose civic space; the Cathedral of St. Lawrence, guarded by stone lions; and the Palazzi dei Rolli, a collection of historic palaces showcasing Genoa’s architectural splendor.

Additionally, numerous churches, including the Church of St. Peter’s and the Church of St. John, offer cultural and architectural delights. Don’t miss iconic landmarks like Villa del Principe, Lanterna lighthouse, and the medieval gate of Porta Soprano, each adding to Genoa’s allure.

Day Trips from Genoa

While Genoa itself warrants exploration, it also serves as an ideal base for day trips to nearby destinations. Along the Ligurian coast, picturesque towns like the Cinque Terre National Park, Portofino, Rapallo, and Camogli beckon with their scenic beauty and charm. Venture westward to discover hidden gems such as Noli, Finale Ligure, and Albenga, each offering its own unique allure.

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Beyond the coast, explore the caves of Toirano or visit the historic town of Campo Ligure, known for its medieval castle. With so much to see and do in the surrounding area, Genoa provides an excellent starting point for exploring Liguria’s diverse attractions.


Genoa may not be as widely recognized as other Italian cities, but its cultural heritage, architectural marvels, and coastal beauty make it a destination worth exploring. Whether you’re strolling through its labyrinthine streets, admiring historic palaces, or embarking on day trips along the Ligurian coast, Genoa captivates visitors with its rich history and vibrant atmosphere. So, why not uncover the hidden treasures of this underrated gem on your next Italian adventure?

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Things to do in Rimini Italy




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Things to do in Rimini Italy

Do you know the most important Things to do in Rimini Italy? Let’s take a look


Rimini is renowned as a beach resort destination, drawing visitors from Italy and beyond with its long history of seaside hospitality. However, beyond its sandy shores lies a city steeped in ancient heritage and cultural charm, offering a wealth of attractions for travelers to discover. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know to plan an unforgettable trip to Rimini.

Getting to Rimini

Rimini is accessible by air, land, and sea, making it convenient to reach from various parts of Italy and Europe. The city has its own international airport, Federico Fellini Airport, serving both domestic and international flights. Additionally, Rimini is well-connected by train, with direct rail links to major cities like Bologna and Ancona. For those arriving by car, highways provide easy access to Rimini from neighboring regions.

Where to Stay in Rimini

With its status as a popular resort destination, Rimini offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit every traveler’s needs and preferences. The Marina Centro area, situated in the heart of the resort district, is ideal for beachgoers seeking convenience and proximity to amenities.

Here, hotels like Erbavoglio and De Londres offer comfortable accommodations within walking distance of the beach. Alternatively, for those looking to explore the city’s historic center, hotels in the Old Town area provide easy access to landmarks like the Tempio Malatestiano and Ponte di Tiberio.

Getting Around Rimini

Navigating Rimini is relatively straightforward, with most attractions located within easy reach of the city center. Visitors staying in Marina Centro can explore the resort area on foot, while those venturing further afield can make use of public transportation options like buses and trains. Rimini’s efficient public transit system provides convenient access to key sites, including the Old Town and surrounding areas.

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What to See in Rimini

Rimini boasts a rich cultural heritage, with a variety of historical and architectural landmarks waiting to be explored. In the city’s historic center, visitors can admire the impressive Tempio Malatestiano, a medieval temple converted into a cathedral, and stroll across the ancient Ponte di Tiberio, a Roman bridge dating back to the 1st century AD. For a glimpse into Italy’s cinematic history, Parco Federico Fellini offers a tribute to the renowned filmmaker with statues and exhibits celebrating his life and work.

In addition to its historical attractions, Rimini is home to modern marvels like Italia in Miniatura, a theme park featuring miniature replicas of famous Italian landmarks. Perfect for families and visitors of all ages, this unique attraction offers a fun and educational experience that showcases the country’s cultural heritage on a smaller scale.

Day Trips from Rimini

While Rimini itself offers plenty to see and do, its strategic location makes it an ideal base for exploring the surrounding region. Nearby destinations like San Marino, Santarcangelo di Romagna, and Gradara are easily accessible by car or public transportation, offering charming villages, historic sites, and picturesque landscapes to discover.

For those seeking a taste of urban culture, cities like Bologna, Ravenna, and Ancona are just a short train ride away, providing opportunities to explore their rich history, vibrant arts scene, and culinary delights.


From its sun-drenched beaches to its ancient landmarks and modern attractions, Rimini offers a diverse array of experiences for travelers to enjoy. Whether you’re soaking up the sun along the Adriatic coast, exploring the city’s historic center, or embarking on day trips to nearby destinations, Rimini promises a memorable and rewarding travel experience for visitors of all interests and ages.

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Where to Stay in Trento Italy




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Where to Stay in Trento Italy

Where to Stay in Trento, Italy :


Trento, nestled in a valley at the base of the Alps, is a city worth exploring! With its picturesque surroundings and proximity to other charming towns and attractions, Trento offers something for every traveler. Whether you plan to wander through the city streets, venture into the nearby mountains, or use Trento as a launching pad for further adventures, there’s plenty to see and do here.

Which area of Trento is best for accommodation?

Trento is relatively straightforward to navigate, with the historical city center separated from the train and bus stations by a large square. Near the station, you’ll find a tourist information kiosk where you can pick up a map of the city, or visit a nearby travel agency for assistance.

Trento offers city-wide wireless internet access, although you may need to register in advance for login credentials. It’s worth noting that temperatures can vary significantly between the city and the mountains, so be sure to pack appropriate clothing and footwear for your adventures.

The area around the train station is relatively clean and quiet, making it a convenient option for those planning to explore the region using public transportation. Hotels near the station, such as the Grand Hotel Trento and Hotel America, offer comfortable accommodations at slightly lower prices compared to those in the city center. These hotels provide easy access to both the station and the historical center of Trento, which is just a short walk away.

Speaking of the city center, Trento’s historical district is relatively compact, making it easy to explore on foot. When choosing a hotel in this area, focus on factors such as cost and traveler reviews rather than proximity to specific attractions, as most hotels are within walking distance of the main sights.

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Keep in mind that older buildings in the city center may lack amenities like elevators and spacious bathrooms, but they often offer charm and character in abundance.

Hotels such as Hotel Venezia and Hotel Aquila D’Oro offer comfortable accommodations in the heart of Trento’s city center. While some rooms may offer views of the city or nearby landmarks, be prepared for the possibility of street noise, especially in the mornings. Alternatively, Albergo Accademia provides spacious designer rooms with amenities like jacuzzis, although guests may prefer rooms facing the quieter courtyard.

For those seeking a more independent accommodation option, apartments can be a great choice. Borgo Rossi Apartments, located near Piazza Venezia, offer kitchenettes and dining areas, allowing guests to prepare their meals and experience local cuisine firsthand. Be sure to communicate with the apartment owners or managers ahead of time to clarify details like heating and air conditioning availability, parking options, and key pickup procedures.


In conclusion, Trento offers a range of accommodation options to suit every traveler’s needs and preferences. Whether you choose to stay near the train station for convenience or in the heart of the city center for easy access to attractions, you’re sure to enjoy your time exploring this charming Italian city.

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