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Is iPhone 12 in 2024 is worth buying?



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Is iPhone 12 in 2024 is worth buying?

Is the iPhone 12 Still Worth Buying in 2024? A Comprehensive Guide


As the iPhone 12 experiences a significant drop in price, it has rekindled interest among consumers, making it an attractive option, especially during Black Friday sales where it is available for as low as 499 euros. While budget-friendly iPhone options typically bring to mind the latest models like the iPhone 13 and 14, or the SE series, the iPhone 12, released in 2020, has become a surprisingly compelling choice.

Despite being overshadowed by newer releases, the iPhone 12’s features and performance make it worth considering, and its resemblance to the iPhone 13 further blurs the lines of distinction.


The iPhone 12’s design, introduced in 2020, aligns closely with the subsequent iPhone models, including the iPhone 13 and 14. With a sleek and modern appearance, the iPhone 12 shares a striking visual similarity with its successors. Notable features include a choice of six color variants and a large OLED display with a resolution of 2532 x 1170 pixels. The iPhone 15 introduced a new exterior design with a “Dynamic Island,” but the overall design evolution from iPhone 12 to iPhone 14 remains subtle.

Performance and Battery:

In terms of performance, the iPhone 12 is equipped with the A14 chip, delivering robust CPU performance. While the A15 chip in the iPhone 13 and 14 introduces improvements in graphics performance, the differences in everyday tasks may not be as noticeable. The battery life on the iPhone 12, offering up to 17 hours of video playback, remains competitive, with only slight enhancements in the newer models (19 and 20 hours for iPhone 13 and 14, respectively). With the A14 chip also featured in the iPad 9 from 2022, users can expect continued software support for years to come.

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Mini Models:

The iPhone 12 Mini, featuring a 5.4-inch OLED display and weighing only 135 grams, is a compact alternative. However, its battery performance has been less impressive, making the iPhone 13 Mini a more advisable choice for fans of smaller iPhone models. Apple has made substantial improvements in the battery life of the iPhone 13 Mini.

Photo and Video:

The camera setup on the iPhone 12, comprising a main camera and an ultra-wide-angle camera, has proven to deliver exceptional photo and video quality. While the iPhone 13 and 14 boast incremental improvements, the iPhone 12’s camera capabilities, including Photonic Engine, photo styles, and various video modes, still stand out. The differences in daily use might not warrant the higher price tag of the newer models.

Why Not iPhone 13 or 14?

While the iPhone 13 and 14 offer incremental improvements in areas like battery life and performance, the compelling argument for the iPhone 12 lies in its substantially lower price point. Priced at just under 500 euros, the iPhone 12 provides a budget-friendly alternative to the newer releases, making it a sensible choice for those seeking a reliable and feature-rich smartphone without breaking the bank.


In conclusion, the iPhone 12 remains a worthwhile consideration in 2024, thanks to its modern design, robust performance, and competitive camera capabilities. The differences between the iPhone 12, iPhone 13, and iPhone 14 are surprisingly minimal, making the iPhone 12 an attractive option, especially given its current affordability. As the price approaches that of the iPhone SE or iPhone 11, opting for the iPhone 12 emerges as a smart choice for users looking for a reliable and feature-packed device without compromising their budget.

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Valentine’s Deals




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Valentine’s Day

On February 14, many countries around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day.


It is believed that Valentine’s Day has existed for more than 16 centuries, but the holidays of Love have been known since even earlier times – since the times of ancient pagan cultures. For example, the Romans celebrated a festival of eroticism called Lupercalia in mid-February, in honor of the goddess of love, Juno Februata.

The main custom on Valentine’s Day is to express your feelings. Some confess their love for the first time, others propose marriage. Gifts for Valentine’s Day can vary, but a Valentine’s card is considered a must.

Gift ideas for a Woman / Gifts for Her

The custom of giving flowers to a beloved girl dates back to the 18th century, when the French, and later the British, began to give roses to their lovers. A bouquet of red roses, which are symbols of this holiday, will be a modest gift or a good addition.

Traditionally, on Valentine’s Day, in addition to flowers, girls are given soft toys and sweets. If you know that your significant other will like it, feel free to give it!










Jewelry, perfume or cosmetics are universal gifts that many girls will be happy with. The main thing is to know your tastes.










A bag, scarf, sunglasses, shoes or belt will perfectly complement the wardrobe of your beloved woman and will become a pleasant sign of attention.

Gift ideas for Men / Gifts for Him

It is believed that finding a good gift for a man is somewhat more difficult than for a woman. Let’s share a few ideas with you.

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Perfume is a good gift idea for a man, especially if you know his favorite scent.










Cloth. Consider giving your loved one a new sweater, T-shirt or tie. A new wardrobe item, chosen with attention and care, will evoke many pleasant emotions.










Taking photographs together, especially in printed form (such as a photo book), is a universal way to make your loved one smile.

Attributes associated with your man’s hobbies. Remember what your partner is interested in and what he would like to receive as a gift.

Accessories. An umbrella, bag, backpack, wallet, watch, purse or business card holder will do.

How to celebrate February 14

A romantic dinner in a restaurant or at home can be a very sweet option to celebrate Valentine’s Day. You can go to an exhibition, a walk or a movie together. You can go out of town or finally take that same trip together that you have been planning for a long time, but have been putting off.

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Dental Plaque in Dogs




Dental Plaque in Dogs

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Dental Plaque in Dogs

Understanding and Managing Dental Plaque in Dogs :


Dental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being for our canine companions, and dental plaque stands as one of the primary culprits behind dental issues in dogs. If left unattended, dental plaque can progress into more severe problems like tartar buildup, leading to potential health complications.

Addressing dental issues promptly is essential to avoid escalated interventions, including procedures under anesthesia. This comprehensive guide delves into the formation of dental plaque in dogs, the significance of prevention, and the role of appropriate chews in maintaining canine dental health.

Formation of Dental Plaque:

In the wild, dogs’ ancestors maintained their dental health through chewing on bones from their prey, a natural process that helped grind materials against their teeth, effectively removing plaque. Chewing also stimulated saliva production, releasing collagen proteins that aided in dissolving plaque.

While domesticated dogs may not have to hunt for their food, they still retain a natural chewing instinct. As responsible pet owners, we can actively contribute to their dental care and prevent plaque buildup.

Preventing Dental Plaque:

Preventing dental plaque involves providing dogs with appropriate chews that cater to their chewing instincts. These chews can be broadly categorized into snacks and toys, both serving unique purposes in maintaining dental hygiene.

1. Chews as Snacks:

Natural snacks like 100% natural yak bars or sustainable root chews from coffee trees are enticing options for dogs. These snacks not only appeal to dogs with their delicious taste but also contribute to sustainable and eco-friendly dental care practices.

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2. Chews as Toys:

Chew toys are specially designed to withstand vigorous chewing while facilitating teeth cleaning. Floss rope toys, for instance, feature a flossing action that reaches between the teeth, effectively targeting plaque. Nylon or rubber chew toys are durable and can be tailored to suit the size, age, and chewing preferences of individual dogs.

Introducing Olive Wood Chews:

A sustainable alternative gaining popularity in the market is olive wood chews. Olive wood possesses an attractive appearance and robustness, making it an ideal natural product for dogs. Unlike other types of wood, olive wood does not split but frays naturally.

This ensures that there are no sharp pieces that could potentially harm the dog, offering a safe chewing experience.

Benefits of Olive Wood Chews:

a. Durability: The density and hardness of olive wood make it exceptionally durable, catering even to the strongest chewers.

b. Toothbrush Effect: The fine fibers of olive wood act like a toothbrush, contributing to effective dental cleaning.

c. Safety: Olive wood’s natural structure prevents it from splitting, eliminating the risk of sharp edges that could pose a threat to the dog’s safety.

Monitoring Chewing Activity:

While providing dogs with chews is beneficial, responsible pet ownership involves monitoring their chewing activity. Regularly observe your dog while they chew to ensure their safety and identify any potential issues.

The Joy of Chewing:

Beyond the dental benefits, chewing also stimulates the release of endorphins in a dog’s brain, often referred to as the “happiness hormone.” This not only contributes to their dental well-being but also enhances their overall emotional state.

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Prioritizing canine dental health involves a multifaceted approach, with the choice of appropriate chews playing a pivotal role. Whether opting for natural snacks or durable toys like olive wood chews, the emphasis is on preventive care.

By understanding the significance of dental hygiene and actively engaging in practices that promote it, pet owners can ensure the well-being and happiness of their furry companions. In essence, the joy of chewing extends beyond dental care, fostering a harmonious relationship between dogs and their owners.

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Most Expensive Road in the World | List of Countries




Most Expensive Road in the World | List of Countries

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Most Expensive Road in the World

List of Countries with Most Expensive Road in the World :


Embarking on a high-speed journey down a well-maintained superhighway is a thrill cherished by drivers worldwide. But have you ever pondered the cost behind creating such roadways? If not, prepare to be intrigued as we delve into the countries boasting the most expensive roads.

From Germany’s legendary autobahns to China’s rapidly evolving expressways, each nation has its own tale of road construction expenses.


Renowned for their meticulous engineering prowess, Germany boasts a network of roads, including the famed autobahns, covering approximately 30% of the country. The cost of constructing a kilometer of expressway in Germany is estimated at 19-20 million euros. While not the world’s priciest, this investment ensures more than just a smooth road surface.

German thoroughness is evident in precise markings, comprehensive road signs, electronic displays, and an emphasis on safety and comfort. With a service life of 30-40 years before major repairs, the autobahns are a testament to German engineering excellence.


Similar to Germany in precision, Switzerland showcases ideal roads, albeit at a higher cost. The challenging mountainous terrain, elevations, and the inaccessibility of many areas contribute to an average cost of around 40 million euros per kilometer.

Tunnels, essential for navigating the rugged landscape, significantly escalate road construction expenses. Additionally, the Swiss commitment to maintaining their roads is evident through extensive 24-hour video surveillance.


Surprising to many, China has emerged as a contender in the realm of expensive roads. While the average cost per kilometer hovers around $11 million, the Chinese government’s increasing involvement in complex and large-scale projects is driving costs higher.

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An exemplar is the expressway linking Jishou and Changje, where challenging terrain and a unique bridge design elevated costs to a staggering $71 million per kilometer.


In stark contrast to European pragmatism, the United States demonstrates a penchant for lavish road projects, even in sparsely populated areas. The cost per kilometer often exceeds $100 million, with a Boston-based route, complete with bridges and tunnels, setting a record at $117 million per kilometer. This reflects a distinctive American approach where luxury is not spared, even for routes serving small communities.


Russia, surprisingly, emerges as the country with the most expensive roads. However, the reasoning lies not in superior quality but in pervasive kickbacks at various levels. Notorious examples include the construction of a 48-kilometer road to Sochi for the 2014 Olympics, which cost a staggering $7 billion ($140 million per kilometer). To put this in perspective, estimates suggest that the entire stretch could have been paved with a double layer of $100 bills for the same amount.

Russia’s audacity reaches new heights with the proposed fourth transport ring in Moscow, a project shrouded in uncertainty. A mere 3.8-kilometer section carries a mind-boggling cost of $2.27 billion, translating to nearly $600 million per kilometer. If completed, this project could potentially secure a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive engineering structure globally.

Despite these exorbitant figures, Russia ranks a modest 125th globally in road quality. This contrast highlights the importance of not just investing large sums but also employing funds wisely in constructing and maintaining roads.


From the precision of German autobahns to the mountainous challenges faced by Swiss roads, and the audacious road projects in the United States and China, each country contributes a unique chapter to the narrative of the world’s most expensive roads.

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Russia’s paradoxical position, with costly roads but modest quality, underscores the need for judicious use of funds in infrastructure projects. As we navigate the vast network of global roadways, the stories behind their construction costs unveil a fascinating tapestry of engineering feats, financial decisions, and cultural idiosyncrasies.

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